If anything is missing here, check the User Manual, and please add a section for it if you think it will be something that will come up multiple times.
In order to edit a light's properties, select the light, then go to the Design tab, and change what you need. Make sure to hit update if you are editing a property or button, otherwise, the light will be good to go, but may be overwritten by buttons and Macros.
In order to edit a button, either select it in Live Edit mode (The edit in the top-left of the live screen) or Command-Click the button in question, and you will see an edit box pop up
Drag the preset that matches what you want to do into the edit box. Don't edit presets unless there's something wrong with it. If you don't want a preset on your button anymore, select it and hit delete
Ad-Hoc Properties
- If a preset doesn't exist for what you want to do, edit the button's ad-hoc properties to change specific light elements via hitting the edit button on the ad-hoc section, or by selecting Live > Edit Ad Hoc Properties while the button is selected.
- To remove an ad-hoc (or preset) element entirely, click the blue dot in the top-left of the property, which shows an x when you hover over it while in edit mode.
- To select one light out of a group, double-click it
- To create a gradient over multiple lights, click a group of lights, and then under color, click the header for the color block, and select color fanning, then target a color on the extremes, and it will fill in the rest.